Our mission is to assess the needs of global communities, and to work with resident leaders to provide resources, tools, and education for success.

Brought to you by a coalition of various Initatives
Bandages for Ukraine was created to facilitate support in any way to the Ukrainian refugees and to the people still inside Ukraine. It has evolved into so much more.
The mission of our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization coalition is to establish supply lines from the western world and western Ukraine all the way to the Donbas.
Very few NGOs operate as close to the Russian controlled territory as our coalition does. Our focus is entirely on the places inside Eastern Ukraine who need the most support. We rely on our US Army, Marine, Air Force, and Navy Veterans and NGO volunteers to plan and carry out missions delivering humanitarian aid and medical supplies to places most civilian volunteers cannot or would not go. Our team of international volunteers from 8 countries (Ukraine, Denmark, Poland, Finland, UK, Canada, Germany and the United States of America) is unpaid, and the overhead costs thus far have been self funded with small donations from local US donors.
We have unique relationships with local Ukrainians and NGOs who often execute what is called "The Last Mile" and deliver our humanitarian aid to the Donbas. These relationships are with local Ukrainians who know the road, have local contacts to get supplies past checkpoints, and know the lay of the land and are an essential component of our mission success inside a foreign country during wartime. Whenever possible, our team leadership personally escort the supply runs and demand photos, a signed hand receipt, and the name and number of the contact person receiving the goods.
Another advantage that our coalition has is the relationships we have through our contacts with American healthcare systems and medical supply nonprofits. We have been given access to 15 warehouses filled with donated medical supplies and we are shipping tons of requested US hospital grade material across the ocean to the front line in Ukraine.
We travel within mere miles from the Russian controlled territory with vans and trucks to deliver aid to places and people who rarely receive any western aid due to their proximity to danger. An estimated 90% of western NGOs never travel past Kyiv, which is only halfway to where the need is greatest.
Bandages for Ukraine boots on the ground team intends to being in country for the remainder of this unjust war. Support us today with a donation or a share.
Humanitarian aid agenda
About Bandages for Ukraine
On February 24th, 2022, the world watched in horror as the Russian Army invaded their peaceful brethren Ukraine. As a direct result, many families have left, business has stopped, and supply chains have been disrupted.
We knew we needed to mobilize. Inspired by the mayor of our great city, Purple Noodle Marketing put together a website called www.BandagesforUkraine.com to amplify the needs of the many groups working in Ukraine. We knew more was needed.
In 2022, a team of veteran combat-trained civilian volunteers from the United States will depart for Poland to deliver Humanitarian Supplies to those in need. We intend to bring supplies, including Medical Supplies, insulin, HIV PreP medicine, and more with our partners Austin CHE.
This is part of an ongoing effort to provide aid to countries suffering in the wake of the war in Ukraine. Please donate to https://www.paypal.me/everydayheroproject
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