Our mission is to assess the needs of global communities, and to work with resident leaders to provide resources, tools, and education for success.

By coordinating with partners and continuously working with caring volunteers and community leaders, we utilize all donations and resources to organize life changing initiatives that fulfill our mission of building stronger global communities with local residents.
To see additional, current programming in our Hawaii locations:
Desktop - Please hover over the "Initiatives" Tab
Mobile - Please click on the + next to "Initiatives"

EveryDay Hero Squad volunteer Opportunities
The Everyday Hero Project has volunteer opportunities for everyone, ranging from short, one time experiences, to extended long term experiences.
We have 3 types of opportunities:
Build a Better World Partnerships
EHP searches the globe for companies on a mission to Build a Better World.
People who believe in these missions along with us can volunteer to make a difference by donating just a little bit of their time and Everyday Hero Energy.
Community/Individual Proposed Projects
Do you or a group of people have an idea for a service project that will benefit the community? Come to one of our offices to make it happen!
EveryDay Hero Project Initiative Support
Support one of our initiatives!
Volunteer your professional services as an instructor or program host
Assist our media team for spotlighting Everyday Heroes and their companies
Attend our next Activate Tour
Donate funds to our company to offset program material costs
Total Wellness Programs
We provide programming that nurtures the mind, body, and community spirit. Following are a list of programs available upon request as well as on our event calendars:
Book Club
Internet Literacy
Hurricane Prep
Interactive Literacy
Chair Yoga
Baby & Me Yoga
City Stroll
Qi Gong
Community Spirit
Participatory Budgeting Workshops
City Outings
Dinner Socials
Everyday Hero Squad Volunteer Opps

Interactive Literacy
We are currently offering several types of children's literacy courses: Interactive Baby Literacy, Interactive Toddler Literacy, and Interactive Children's Literacy.
Our mission for these courses is to assist families in fostering lifelong literacy relationships.
Every set of attendees is given their own set of materials to use during the class to maximize literacy exposure and to create a very personal experience between families and their children.
This course is not only interactive, but multi-sensory. With songs, literature, hand motions, and free play following (toys provided by EHP), various learning styles are addressed with our approach to education.
Click for a Voluntary Pre Kindergarten Curriculum Map
designed by Catalina Tiamson, VPK Teacher (download and print for use)
The D&C Children's Life Center
St. Michel, Haiti
Help us to Build a Better World from the ground up! Since 2012, we have partnered with Rosemarie Pierre, a native of St. Michel, to assist in building a life center for children that will give them the tools and education to reach a higher potential.
We hosted our first international voluntourism trip with volunteers from across the country and brought supplies and love to the mountain children.
In 2013, we completed a 5 city fundraising tour that included Salt Lake City, Honolulu, Sacramento, Seattle and Las Vegas to purchase resources and supplies for the center.
Currently, we continue to collect resources as well as plan to host another trip.

5th Annual MLK Jr.
Restocking Food Pantries Project
After New Year and Christmas every year, food pantries are in severe need of restocking. Many pantries shut down since they have emptied their shelves during the holiday season. The Everyday Hero Project feels passionate about assisting families in getting the nourishment they need! Over the past 5 years, we have collected and distributed 4,635 lbs.to 5 pantries in St. Petersburg, FL.
There are several ways you can get involved:
Help us to get additional Donation Stations
Hold a food drive in your neighborhood (we provide signage)
Get the word out as a flyer team member at local events or bars
Assist at the packing party for weighing and sorting
Help us to receive financial or in kind donations
We collected more than 1,700 lbs last year thanks to you!

Baby Drive
We are currently collecting items for families in need with babies and young children. If you have any of the following, please make a drop off to our St. Petersburg office location!
Diapers (cloth & disposable)
Formula & Baby Food
Car Seats, Strollers, etc.
Blankets and baby bags
Clothing & shoes for mothers
Clothing for babies - 5 years old (no stains or rips)
We have decided to continuously collect donation items with no deadline.
Currently we are distributing donations to immigrant populations as well as continuously supporting BabyCycle.

St. Pete Superhero Cleanups
The Everyday Hero Project hosts a Superhero Cleanup Series of events in various parts of St. Petersburg. The program will begin with a 30 minute interactive environmental education lesson informing attendees of the effects of waste products on our planet as well as locally. Following will be a 90 minute trash cleanup of the area, with hosts and attendees dressed up as superheroes. Social time to follow!
Join us for our 4th event in our St. Pete Superhero Cleanup series! Have you ever wanted to ride the Pedal Pub? Do you feel as though you are steward of our planet and want to make a difference? Then this is the volunteer opportunity for you!
Room on the pedal pub is limited to the first 15 RSVPs! But you can still join in even if you don't get to ride..Due to insurance regulation, we cant have riders younger than 18. BUT WE CAN HAVE PEOPLE BRING REGULAR BIKES AND TRAIL BEHIND IT! The Pedal Pub travels at 3-4 mph so walking along is also very easy. We just want it to be fun for younger people, and management from the Pedal Pub will be leading the bicycles behind us. What an amazing company to support!
Looking forward to Picking up the Pete with local Everyday Heroes! Feel free to dress as your unique Inner Hero! Volunteers will also receive time credits for the Everyday Hero Exchange Time Bank.

Peaceful Awareness Campaigns
Everyday Hero Project is proud to partner with Greenpeace for year 2 of "Jammin For the Planet", an incredible event to raise awareness about the effects of fossil fuels and offshore drilling. Various non profits from the Tampa Bay area are able to connect with citizens of St. Pete. Artists and musicians participate in the open mic to share their talents and passion to help save the planet.

Operation float
After the recent and growing in intensity Hurricanes, the community in Pinellas County, FL decided to join forces and collect donations and supplies to support their recovery efforts. What began as disaster relief has turned into continued support and disaster preparedness. Operation Float helps to provide CERT training and SAR certification by partnering with organizations which offer these certifications as well as businesses in the community who sponsor the spaces for these trainings.
Over the past 3 years, we have assisted with donations and Activate Tour Volunteer Power for:
Hurricane Harvey (Texas)
Hurricane Irma (Florida)
Hurricane Maria (Puerto Rico)
Hurricane Michael (Florida)
Hurricane Florence (The Carolinas)

4th Annual Beachside
Blanket Drive
All though we are aware that Florida is not known for its harsh winters, we can all agree that it still gets pretty cold, particularly for those sleeping outside for everyday living. This is a special event because we know what it feels like to be out on the streets in the cold, and we know that we are not alone.
Objective: We collect as many blankets, jackets and various winter gear others are willing to donate to the cause. Through this event, we promote awareness of the homeless problems in the bay area.
With our small team of volunteers, we were able to make a sizeable impact for misfortunate brothers and sisters in the past three years, and we hope to double that this time around. With some many great people and travelers living in our area flocking down to our beaches to avoid the cold, there is never a shortage of winter clothes and helping hands.
We are collecting blankets from Dec. 2019 - January 2020 the National MLK Day of Service.

The Temple of Aloha
Mission: To provide a space for licensed practitioners, educators, and group facilitators to share health and wellness services with the public.
Global methods of personal growth and healing need a space for these techniques to be shared. The Temple of Aloha is that space. Various educators, practitioners, and group facilitators will have access to a small space which will assist in transforming lives.
Licensed Temple Practitioners and Educators can be requested for health and wellness services. We offer Workshops, Global Healing Methods, Yoga Sessions, Group Grief Sessions, Body Activation & Strengthening Sessions, Mind/Body/Spirit Consultations, and Heath/Wellness Retreats.
Catalina Tiamson
Community Co-Director & Temple Practitioner/Educator
mobile 727-551-4591
Chiyaka Robinson
Community Co-Director & Temple Practitioner
mobile 727-550-6409